
The Daydream Gardens at Blue Valley School

A well-organized space also acts as a teacher; thus, the proper organization of the physical space is crucial in the process of learning. Each proposed intervention in the campus should therefore answer to this primary objective, to be a learning and inspirational opportunity and must function as a node inside of an interconnected network. To this symbolic connection, we propose to assign a meaning associated with the creation of Costa Rican cultural knowledge, exalting historical figures from our country who, with their scientific, artistic, sports and ancestral accomplishments, show us that there are no limits to a Costa Rican with a dream. The interventions must be purposeful, useful, and beautiful but also safe, kind, and fair, allowing them to have many uses and interpretations by students of a wide range of ages and capacities. (Parents and teachers as well, why not?) Team: Arq. Stefania Restrepo, Arq. Federico Salas, Arq. Sofía Suárez.

Online Event

Things you should know to build a responsible house (In English)

What are the indicators that should be taken into account? What are the certifications that validate it? Is it more expensive? In this talk, Cristina, our Design Manager, will go over the main points we must consider to build responsible spaces and share examples from our experience.

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