
Stefania Restrepo
Lead Architect

Colombian-born Stefania is part of our design team. She graduated from her architecture studies in 2015 and has worked on organic design, retail, and residential projects. Stefa is keenly interested in responsible architectural design. Her most challenging project involved the design of various buildings at a location on Colombia’s Pacific coast with no access to resources or roads, only by air or sea. She loves 3D modeling and digital representation. She is also a gardening enthusiast, enjoys cooking, studied philosophy, and has an interest in transpersonal psychology and soul studies.

Online Event

Things you should know to build a responsible house (In English)

What are the indicators that should be taken into account? What are the certifications that validate it? Is it more expensive? In this talk, Cristina, our Design Manager, will go over the main points we must consider to build responsible spaces and share examples from our experience.

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Lead Architect

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