
Talía Biasevich
Communication Manager

Talia is an experienced communicator with +14 years working in marketing, corporate communication and organizational culture with a proven track record of designing and implementing communication strategies for major companies in different sectors: banking, consulting, gastronomy, among others. She has worked on successful campaigns for marketing, endo marketing and social purposes. Talia is very interested in digital innovation, education, behavioral sciences, sustainability and social communication. Her experiences have led her to develop advanced technical abilities in graphic design, video editing, UX/UI design and web design.

Online Event

Things you should know to build a responsible house (In English)

What are the indicators that should be taken into account? What are the certifications that validate it? Is it more expensive? In this talk, Cristina, our Design Manager, will go over the main points we must consider to build responsible spaces and share examples from our experience.

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Communication Manager

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