
Consider these six key points before investing in solar panels in Costa Rica

Solar energy is one of the most well-known renewable energy options.  As a responsible construction company, we have installed solar power in many projects and we support renewables and other alternatives that reduce the impact we have on our ecosystem. Many of our clients in Costa Rica ask about installing solar and, while it is great for certain projects, there are aspects to consider before installation. The information below will be very helpful if you are thinking about investing in solar panels in Costa Rica.

More than 98% of the energy in Costa Rica comes from renewable resources.

We know you are concerned about the environment (we are, too!), so we would like to point out that, in Costa Rica, 98% of the energy expenditure has come from renewable sources for the seventh consecutive year. In fact, Costa Rica is the world leader in electricity production from renewable sources, according to the 2021 International Competitiveness Index.

Most of the energy comes from hydroelectric power, which contributes 73%. In the second place, geothermal energy – which takes advantage of the heat existing in the subsoil of certain areas – is at 14%. Thirdly, wind energy accounts for 12% of the total. And, finally, the energy extracted from biomass and the sun accounts for 1%.

Some of the energy captured by your solar panels can be redistributed into the general public grid.

Homeowners have two options, “off-grid” battery systems that do not connect to the public grid and  – “grid-tie” as described below. There are financial and resiliency considerations with both options that should be evaluated with an expert.

Being “grid-tie”, implies two highly relevant points. First, since you are bidirectionally connected to the public grid, the energy that is captured and not consumed is redistributed. Therefore, you cannot store energy for your personal use. Secondly, this implies that you must apply for a permit before installing your solar panels. This permit is subject to the energy capacity of the circuit to which you must connect. If the capacity is at 100%, the application will be denied.

Up to 49% of the energy that is captured through your solar panels is considered as a form of payment for the energy that you can use when the solar panels are not capturing electricity, such as at night. In other words, you pre-pay your energy consumption by sharing energy to the public grid during the day, which reduces or even cancels your monthly electricity costs. 

Find more information about this here: https://www.cnfl.go.cr/otros-servicios-os/generacion-distribuida-os

In Costa Rica, there are power outages due to rains and storms.

Costa Rica is a tropical country with frequent rain and storms from May to November. These weather conditions can cause power outages. Usually, the power is restored quickly, but that does not stop it from causing slight inconveniences. Having an independent power source (such as solar panels combined with batteries) can prevent you from experiencing problems with your electricity flow. 

Solar panels are not produced in Costa Rica, and installation involves high costs. 

If you want to install solar panels on your home in Costa Rica, you will have to import them, paying the 40% tariff rates and accepting the carbon footprint of the import. The investment is expensive. A thorough analysis will be necessary to determine the cost of a solar panel system since the estimate is personalized and depends on the amount of sun that can be captured in a given location, the level of expenditure, and the consumption habits of a family.

There are alternatives to consider, such as installing community solar panels.

The installation of solar panels for a single household can be complex and costly. Getting together with other interested parties can be the solution for sharing the investment cost, the dedicated space, maintenance, and, above all, the burden of bureaucratic procedures. 

Accelerated advances are being made in technology for solar energy harvesting. 

Solar energy innovation is making great strides in improving energy harvesting capacity. This year, panels with the ability to capture up to three times more energy in the same location are being developed. Work is also underway on solar panels with 83% transparency, which can be “hidden” as windows or part of a property’s architectural design. Solar panels that float on water have also been developed, among other new features. Little by little, they will become better, with more accessible prices and more adaptative designs. 

Check this link if you want more information on this point: https://www.greenjournal.co.uk/2021/09/futuristic-solar-energy-technologies-for-2021/

So, to install or not to install solar panels?

If your home is responsible for high energy consumption, a solar installation may be worth the investment, take into consideration that you may have to choose between an “off-grid” or “grid-tie” setup. If your consumption is low, then we recommend r getting your energy from the grid. 

In general, our design team has an internal rule to always prioritize passive strategies over active ones, which should reduce your property’s energy needs. This could also be seen as a way to practice minimizing demand rather than purchasing more production. For example, we aim to maximize natural light so that it will not be necessary to turn on the lights (at least, during the day). We also study air currents to develop natural ventilation strategies, which will keep your air conditioning consumption to a minimum. We will be here to help you implement the energy solution you prefer in the best possible way.


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