

Análisis de negocio, creación de conceptos, modelos financieros, orientación en sostenibilidad y liderazgo y/o apoyo continuo para su proyecto.


  • Orientación sobre el desarrollo de comunidades, estructuras, planes de proyecto, definición del concepto, riesgos y las respuestas, actividades vinculadas, etc. 
  • Guidance for those that want to “lead the charge” on their own rather than hire CJI or another developer for the work, as well as those that are in the early startup stage and need direction.  Typical consulting work will save project founders hundreds of thousands of dollars during their project lifecycle.

Evento Online

Cosas que debes saber para construir una casa responsable (En inglés)

What are the indicators that should be taken into account? What are the certifications that validate it? Is it more expensive? In this talk, Cristina, our Design Manager, will go over the main points we must consider to build responsible spaces and share examples from our experience.

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